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Thursday, February 9, 2012

February is the month of LOVE and since I have a career in Social media I see all the tips trades and national days.........
Today is National bagel Day, Tomorrow National Umbrella Day. This week is National marriage week. where do they come up with these things? But stuff I can totally blog about and gives the topics which makes it easy. So now on a personal basis, National Marriage week, from today I will be kind, cherish and say nice encouraging words to Ernie. You think I should let him in on the secret?    We often take for granite our loved ones thru the busy chaos called kids, life, work etc. We seem to remember the love on special days such as Valentines Day, Anniversary, birthday etc. How can we get back to Lovebirds? Well for starters always give your spouse a compliment. I know that a smile is worth a thousand words in my house. I love it when I smile and Ernie smiles back. Just a small gestures that did not cost a thing. There are a thousand sites that offer wonderful tips etc.
But one that I found is

Enjoy your day and start today with a smile and tomorrow a compliment, the next day a nice hug.............and so on......................Those are FREE and mean more than a bought box of chocolates that will make you fat! What is that implementing????? :)

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